Our purpose

Wildstyle Network and the affiliated companies follow the attitude "People, Planet, Profit". We see ourselves as an international creative consulting company that actively shapes sustainability. By developing and operating own ESG programs and supporting organizations and initiatives, we are also able to better understand the goals of of our clients and how we can support them in their environmental, social and governing efforts.

1000 k €
475 h
100 %

Our way of giving back

The last two years have been difficult. For some even harder than for others. This has moved us to choose and support the following organizations, from the areas social, health, and environment. To accomplish this, we involved our main partners and let them choose which project we would support. In doing so, we followed the idea: "You click – we donate – and together we make a difference."

Agbe – Perspectives for West Africa

The association Agbe – Perspectives for West Africa e.V. aims to initiate and implement social development projects in West Africa in cooperation with local partners. The aim is to support the independence of the local partners in a sustainable way. In the long term, the association strives for the initiated projects to become self-supporting.

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Doctors Without Borders

Since 1971, Doctors Without Borders has been providing independent medical emergency aid in war and crisis areas, as well as after natural disasters. As an international organization, they help quickly, efficiently, and unbureaucratically – without asking about the origin, religion, or political convictions of the people concerned.

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Abfahrt – Drug Prevention

South Brandenburg has had a crystal meth problem for several years. Addiction experts therefore developed a prototype that can help to find the way out of addiction and share it with others. A platform is being developed that will provide easier access to treatment facilities in Brandenburg and communicate both the dark side of addiction and treatment successes through authentic testimonials.

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Kinderarche Sachsen e.V.

Der Verein Kinderarche Sachsen e.V. betreut in Wohngruppen und Einrichtungen knapp 300 Heranwachsende, die zum Großteil aus problematischen Lebensverhältnissen kommen. Sie helfen Kindern und Jugendlichen außerdem in Tagesgruppen und unterstützen Familien und junge Menschen durch Beratung und Begleitung in ambulanter Form.

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Bergwaldprojekt e.V.

The Bergwaldprojekt e.V. is committed to the protection, maintenance, and care of the forest, especially the mountain forest and the cultural landscapes. The aim is to promote an understanding of the interrelationships in nature, the concerns of the forest, and human dependence on habitats.

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Berliner Kältehilfe

Durch die Berliner Kältehilfe werden obdachlosen Menschen während der kalten Jahreszeit unbürokratisch Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten angeboten. Zahlreiche Träger beteiligen sich mit Nachtcafes, Suppenküchen und Kältebussen am Kältehilfeprogramm, um zu verhindern, dass Menschen ohne Unterkunft in Berlin erfrieren.

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Social change through digital entrepreneurship

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Why we are proud to invest in Kindly

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Shaping Berlin's next gen of globally-minded entrepreneurs

Serial entrepreneur and head of the boutique fund WSN Angels & Startups Steve Nitzschner wants you to forget the new Berlin cliché of the "startup hipster" and cast...

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